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"There´s no place as Praia
Nor heraldry as thine
There´s no people as those
There`s no love as mine"
 Vitorino Nemésio
Praia da Vitória 
is the fusion of its relevant historical past with the modernity brought about by nearby Lajes military base, the oceanic harbour and a recent industrial area, growing everyday.
In the beginning of the settlement, it was the place chosen by the first Donatary Captain and soon became an important populated place, prospering out of wheat and pastel crops, harvested from one of the most rich and fertile lands in the island, the "Ramo Grande".
In history records, Praia would became famous for acclaiming Prior do Crato as King in 1582 and being the place where one of most remarkable events of the liberal struggles was staged - August 11 battle, this date being celebrated annually as Praia da Vitória`s municipality day.
To speak about Praia is also to evoke one of the greatest Portuguese writers - Vitorino Nemésio. The city is embedded in his vast cultural legacy, marked by the people and spaces where he was born and lived part of his life.
At present time, Praia is also a city that grows and succeds in economic and social terms, seconded by air and sea communications.
To this contributes the harbour and airport located nearby, the development of trade and tourism leaning in one of the most beautiful beaches in the Azores, recently improved with a new yacht marina and a seaside avenue connecting the city to the sea port in a functional and majestic manner.
Praia da Vitória has plenty of places to visit. Most important are:

Landscape / sightseeing viewpoints:
a. Miradouro da Serra do Facho (Facho Hill viewpoint) plus Holy Heart of Mary Statue;
b. Miradouro da Serra do Cume (Cume Hill viewpoint).
Downtown and Historical:
d. José Silvestre Ribeiro statue (former governor of Angra do Heroísmo in the XIX century and the personality who ordered the rebuild of Praia);
e. Rua de Jesus (Jesus street - the trade center of Praia).
Culture and Entertainment:
a. Academia da Juventude e das Artes da ilha Terceira (Terceira island youth and arts academy);
Religious / Churches:
a. Império da Caridade (part of the traditional Holy Spirit cult);
b. Igreja Matriz de Santa Cruz de Praia da Vitória (Mother Church of Praia da Vitória);
c. Igreja do Senhor Santo Cristo das Misericórdias (Rare Church with two altars).

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